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It’s Party Time (Exodus 23)

June 13, 2021 | by Pastor Peter


Would it seem odd to you to hear God say that it’s Party Time? Partying isn’t just something God is OK with, it’s something he commands (Read it for yourself in Exodus 23:10-17). The problem with partying isn’t our desire to celebrate. Rather, it’s why and how we celebrate. As the lyricist in “Hotel California” noted, “Some dance to remember; some dance to forget.” When celebrating is about escape from our circumstances, it leads to dissipation. But when our celebration is about being attentive to what God has done, it deepens our faith and invites us to grow spiritually. This is especially important when we remember something God did generations ago.

So what does Godly Christian celebration look like? We do it when we observe the Sabbath. And we do it when we observe lent and advent. When we remember the powerful things God has done for his people in the past, it’s party time.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Do I use Lent/Easter and Advent/Christmas to remember what God has done, or do I get caught up in the business of worldly celebration?
  2. In what ways have I seen God do powerful things in my life? How can I celebrate and remember them?
  3. How can I celebrate in ways that are geared more towards remembering than forgetting?

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