seduction of sin (2 Samuel 11)
Sin can snowball out of control, especially when we try to keep it from being exposed. Nowhere in the Bible is this seduction of sin more obvious than in David’s affair with Bathsheba. When he looks at Bathsheba from his rooftop, David gives himself over to lust. His lust leads him to act out in adultery and rape. In order to cover up the resulting pregnancy, David resorts to murder. and David’s life will never be the same from that point on.
David’s life clearly illustrates what can happen in the life of someone who allows sin to take root in his life. He serves as a cautionary tale for us too. In order to avoid falling into ever-deepening sin that destroys lives, we need to nip sin in the bud. We do this through confession of our sins to others. We also do this by asking God to examine our lives. It’s in this way that we avoid giving place to the seduction of sin.
Questions for Reflection
- Are there difficulties you face in your life that are the result of someone’s sinful choices?
- Have I ever done something wrong and then done something wrong to cover up my wrongdoing?
- Are there sins that I tend to see as ‘no big deal’ sins. How might these sins lead someone into more sin?
- Do I have other Christians to whom I can confess my sin without fear of rejection? If not, who might you approach to become that kind of person?
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