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The Life We Are Called to Live: Love Vs. Law

September 8, 2019 | by

Love vs. Law?

The church spends a great deal of time talking about how under Christ, Believers are free from the law and under grace. At the same time, the church spends a great deal of time talking about how people should behave? How do we understand ethics (the way we ought to live) in light of grace? What does it mean to live a holy life? Where do we come down on love vs. law?

In this sermon, Pastor Peter looks at how the Great Commandment–Love God and love your neighbour–shapes our thinking about what is right and wrong. Ethics, he argues, is about loving God and loving our neighbour rather than keeping a specific set of rules. But in order to love others as God calls us to, we must first allow the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts so that loving action originate not in external controls but from the centre of who we are as people shaped to become like Jesus.

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