Using Freedom in Love
Christians have been set free from the rule-based system of Torah observance. Right and wrong aren’t governed by a set of black-and-white rules for Christians. But this certainly doesn’t mean that how we behave is unimportant. Instead, it means that under the guidance of the Spirit, we’re intended to discern what is right and wrong in each situation. The spirit teaches us about using freedom in love.
When Paul writes to the Corinthian Church, giving them guidance on what to do about meat sacrificed to idols, he models what using freedom in love looks like. Yes, Christians could eat meat sacrificed to idols without polluting themselves, but the right needs to take a back seat to the needs of the other Christians whose religious background makes their consciences weak. Just as Jesus surrenders his own agenda for the good of the church, so Christians should surrender what is in their interest when the needs of the community demand it.
We’ll look at what this way of thinking about ethical issues says to Christians trying to discern whether it is permissible to consume alcohol.