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I Am

March 21, 2021
I Am

Jesus is the Way to God

by Pastor Peter
Our deepest needs--security, belonging and significance--can only be properly met by God. But if we agree with this statement we still have no way to come to God. To do so requires that we have some way of interfacing with the divine. As it turns out, Jesus is the way to God, our interface between…
March 14, 2021
I Am

The Resurrection and the Life

by Pastor Peter
JESUS IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE When Jesus shows up in Bethany after Lazarus died, there wasn't much hope that he could do much of anything. People believed that he was able to heal sick people, but not that he could raise someone who was dead and buried. It was just too late. But…
March 7, 2021
I Am

Mission and Spiritual Growth

by Pastor Peter
It might seem intuitive to say that immature Christians need to come into the church, find maturity and only then go out into the world. But that's not how Jesus sees it. In John 10, Jesus ties together the ideas of Mission and Spiritual Growth.  His people, he says, will enter [the church] and go…
February 28, 2021
I Am

Jesus lights Our Way

by Pastor Peter
When Jesus claims to be the light of the world he is telling us that when we allow him, he helps us see a reality that our natural eyes can't see. While we have eyes that see fine, without Jesus we are missing something. I want to explore three ways in which Jesus lights our…
February 21, 2021
I Am

Rejecting Consumption

by Pastor Peter
In today's passage, we look at Jesus' challenge to live for bread that doesn't spoil. Jesus calls his followers a life of rejecting consumption for its own sake. Instead, he proposes eternal life as an alternative. Eternal life is participation in the life of God. As Father Son and Spirit love and submit to each…
February 14, 2021
I Am

God’s Presence with Us

by Pastor Peter
In the account of Jesus walking on the Water in John's gospel (John 4:16-22) the author means for us to see it as a story about God's Presence with Us. On the surface, this isn't all that obvious. But if we are mindful of the Old Testament parallels, John's intent becomes clear. First, John's description…
February 7, 2021
I Am

God’s Love Pursues Us

by Pastor Peter
In this sermon series, we'll be looking at the "I Am" statements of Jesus in John's gospel. These are places where Jesus says something about himself and is also speaking about God in general. Today, we're looking at the woman at the well, and how Jesus' revelation of himself as Messiah and God incarnate shows…