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In The Wilderness

June 27, 2021
In The Wilderness

The Importance of Discipleship

by Pastor Peter
Succession planning is a hot topic in the business world right now. While we don't talk about it in the church (except about who will take over leadership of a ministry or church) it's critically important). Succession planning in the life of faith is really just Discipleship. The Importance of Discipleship is something we often…
June 20, 2021
In The Wilderness

The Power of God’s Presence

by Pastor Peter
During Israel's time in the wilderness, God works to show them his power and faithfulness. But despite God's efforts, when Israel faces its greatest test, it fails. On the precipice of the Promised Land, the Israelites refuse to enter when they discover the land is filled with powerful people. This is why the spies don't…
June 13, 2021
In The Wilderness

It’s Party Time (Exodus 23)

by Pastor Peter
  Would it seem odd to you to hear God say that it's Party Time? Partying isn't just something God is OK with, it's something he commands (Read it for yourself in Exodus 23:10-17). The problem with partying isn't our desire to celebrate. Rather, it's why and how we celebrate. As the lyricist in "Hotel…
June 6, 2021
In The Wilderness

God Provides for his People

by Pastor Peter
When the Israelites get over the high of having escaping Egypt and settle into life in the wilderness, they begin to wonder where their food will come from.  After all, food doesn't grow in the wilderness. Their fear leads them to accuse Moses and Aaron of leading them to their deaths. In spite of their…
May 30, 2021
In The Wilderness

From Slavery to Freedom

by Pastor Peter
The story of the Israelites passing through the Red Sea is one of the great deliverance stories of the Bible. In this act, God shepherds his people from slavery to freedom. And this action serves as a useful paradigm for us to understand why God allows us to experience spiritual challenges. Israel finds itself stuck…