February 9, 2025
Adventures in MissionThe Gospel Divides
by Pastor Peter
While it may be tempting to assume that if we're obediently following God in mission, things will go according to plan, that's just not usually the case. We are sometimes successful, but often in ways we don't expect. At other times, we encounter opposition, and it may come from places we don't expect. The reception…
February 2, 2025
Adventures in MissionSent by the Spirit
by Pastor Peter
Barnabas and Saul are sent by the Spirit on mission to Cyprus, but the Spirit goes with them, opening doors, validating their message with wisdom and power and leading people to repentance. In a similar way, the Spirit works with us as we go into the world.
January 26, 2025
Adventures in MissionCo-Missioned
by Pastor Peter
God is on a mission and he invites his church to join him. In the story about the creation of a church in Antioch, we see in the story of its origin how the Spirit disrupts communities, how it transforms those communities and how the Spirit leads those communities to replicate, and we reflect on…
January 12, 2025
PrimevalAnd God Remembered
by Pastor Peter
Noah experienced God's salvation in the ark. It wouldn't have been an enjoyable experience to be cooped up with the animals for a year, but Noah endures the hardship because he trusts God's promise of new creation on the other side. God is also at work saving us. Like with Noah, his saving work in…
January 5, 2025
PrimevalCain & Abel
by Pastor Peter
In this first look at the post Adam & Eve stories in the Primeval History, we look at Cain & Abel. The story serves as a kind of study on the ever-growing consequences of sin. Adam and Eve's sin had horrible consequences for us all, but the murder of one of their sons by another…
December 22, 2024
Advent 2024When Love Came Down
by Pastor Peter
At Christmas, God's incarnate love encounters the world and transforms it. To get a better understanding of how love transforms the world, we look at how it transforms individuals, and communities and how the cosmos itself is changed by God's love.
December 15, 2024
Advent 2024Joy for the Lowly
by Pastor Peter
Joy comes from the realization of our hope. Jesus is a cause of great joy because he is the fulfillment of God's promises. When the angel speaks to the shepherds on the first Christmas, he uses three labels for Jesus—Saviour, Messiah, and Lord—that each speaks to the different ways in which Jesus' coming is good…
December 8, 2024
Advent 2024Peace In the Storm
by Pastor Peter
In our second week of Advent, we look at the theme of peace in the story of Jesus calming the storm. Jesus is God's presence with us. That should fill us with peace, but we need to remember two important lessons: 1) While God is present with us, we need to invite him to act…
December 1, 2024
Advent 2024Hope in Hard Times
by Pastor Peter
Hope is bittersweet. We can only experience it when things are not as we wish they were, and yet hope is the refusal to accept that as things are they must continue to be. Godly hope sees God's faithfulness in the past as a downpayment on his future faithfulness and it trusts that the difficulties…
November 24, 2024
One Shepherd, One People
by Pastor Peter
Ezekiel's promise that God would make one people out of Judah and Israel 130 years after Israel ceased to exist is fulfilled in God joining his people with others called from the Gentiles, called out of the nations. The unified people of God serve as a sign of God's hospitality in taking on humanity...if we…
November 10, 2024
Kings of Israel & JudahKings of Israel & Judah: Josiah
by Pastor Peter
Josiah is perhaps Judah's most pious king, restoring Judah's worship of Yahweh after decades of neglect. But his desire to please God doesn't save him from making a fatal error. Josiah tries to keep the Egyptian Army from propping up the dying Assyrian Empire, but The Egyptian King is following God's direction. Both the message…