God’s Love Pursues Us
In this sermon series, we’ll be looking at the “I Am” statements of Jesus in John’s gospel. These are places where Jesus says something about himself and is also speaking about God in general. Today, we’re looking at the woman at the well, and how Jesus’ revelation of himself as Messiah and God incarnate shows us the way that God’s love pursues us. Jesus reveals himself to a person at the bottom of the social order. In so doing Jesus is saying that God is willing to make himself known to anyone. If God reveals himself to someone, he’s offering to let that person respond in worship. In other words, God’s grace is inviting this woman into a relationship.
This revelation means two things to two groups of people. To religious outsiders, it means that, wherever you are, God is inviting you to come inside. God’s love pursues us no matter how sordid our past. To religious insiders, this story shows us our responsibilities to those on the outside. We are God’s hands and feet. So If God’s love pursues everyone, then we need to act out God’s pursuing love.
Questions for Discussion
- What sorts of people do you think tend to feel excluded from the church? Who are our Samaritans?
- Jesus brings up the woman’s sin, but he is gentle and understanding with her. What does it look like to address sin in a gentle and understanding way in our society? Is this the way the church typically operates?
- What can the church do to communicate God’s pursuing love to religious outsiders?
Check out our previous sermon series on Joseph