Holding On To Hope
When God disciplines us our instinct is often to run away from him. Indeed, that’s what the survivors of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem would have felt when they were taken into captivity in Babylon. But the prophet Jeremiah shows them a way of holding on to hope in the face of tragedy. They can trust that God’s intentions for them are good. And yes, while they are currently under his discipline, they can trust that his discipline is restorative. God isn’t discarding his people. Instead, he is saving them. So they should not lose hope.
At other times, God’s people find themselves overwhelmed by suffering that has nothing to do with God’s discipline. Just as Jeremiah suffers for the sins of the people, so God’s people sometimes find themselves suffering for doing what is right. This seems a terrible injustice, but the promise of resurrection changes how we experience it. The Apostle Paul, knew as much as anyone about adversity, but he didn’t despair. Instead, he learned to trust in God who is able to raise the dead (2 Corinthians 1:8-11)
So if you find yourself under God’s discipline, or suffering senselessly, take courage. God’s heart is restoration and his power is resurrection. When we know God and his power we can hold on to hope.